project thumbnail of Attorney at Law
project thumbnail of Attorney at Law

"Attorney at Law"

Attorneys for all your legal needs from across the country, covering a wide variety of legal practice areas.


The Attorney at Law platform is an innovative project designed to help law firms modernize their practices. Through digital transformation and marketing automation, the platform enhances operational efficiency, offers educational resources, and connects firms to expert legal referrals. The solution equips law firms with the tools they need to expand their digital footprint and better serve their clients.

Client's Request

The law firm wanted to modernize its digital presence and provide a growth platform to streamline its operations. They needed a hub that would not only offer higher education resources and legal referrals but also implement a robust digital strategy for expanding their practice. The goal was to build a user-friendly, innovative platform that could efficiently manage legal operations and enhance client engagement.

Here’s What We Did

We developed a cutting-edge platform using React, React-Redux, and JS for the front-end and PHP for the back-end. The platform integrates Facebook Marketing API to facilitate marketing efforts. Our team implemented a structured digital strategy that allows law firms to efficiently manage their resources, access expert referrals, and provide seamless higher education opportunities for legal professionals. The project also included advanced features for geolocation-based market recommendations, automatic redirects, and optimized user experiences based on country, currency, and language.

Here’s the Result

The result is a fully functional and modern growth platform tailored to law firms, designed to streamline legal operations, enhance digital marketing efforts, and provide easy access to education and referral networks. It helped improve client engagement and positioned the law firm as a leader in digital transformation in the legal industry.

Who worked on it:

  • Project Manager;

  • Tech Lead;

  • Middle Full-stack developer;



Time to release

5 months

Billable hours

700 hr

Internet connection broken

Internet connection restored