project thumbnail of eBOQ Project
project thumbnail of eBOQ Project

"eBOQ Project"

eBOQ is a web application from the DAR ecosystem.


DevIT successfully developed the eBOQ project management application, which enables a construction company to efficiently manage project files and export them in customizable formats. The app improved their overall workflow, providing essential flexibility for report generation.

Client's Request

The client, a construction company in Egypt, required an internal application to streamline project management. Specifically, they needed a tool to manage and export their project data from a Mongo database, with the ability to edit and generate detailed reports in both PDF and Excel formats.

Here’s What We Did

Our team developed the eBOQ application using the MERN stack (React.js, Express, AWS EC2, AWS Cloudfront, and Cloudflare). The app allows users to select items from existing library data or add new data, export it into customizable templates, and generate project reports in PDF or Excel. The tool also enables users to edit the export template, providing flexibility and ensuring the reports meet the company's specific needs.

Here’s the Result

The eBOQ app has streamlined project management for the construction company, allowing them to easily access, update, and export project data. The result is faster data handling, improved team efficiency, and more accurate reporting.

Who worked on it:

  • Project Manager;

  • Back-end developer;

  • Front-end developer;

  • Quality Assurance;

  • UI/UX Designer;



Time to release

3 months

Billable hours

700 hr
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