project thumbnail of Weather Nation
project thumbnail of Weather Nation

"Weather Nation"

Weather doesn’t stop and neither do we. Watch WeatherNation 24/7 for the latest top weather headlines, regional forecast and radar/satellite information.


This project enabled WeatherNation to enhance their viewer reach through modern applications on multiple platforms. The robust CTV and mobile apps now deliver real-time weather content, keeping users informed across all major devices and operating systems. This seamless integration significantly boosted user engagement and brand visibility in the competitive broadcasting industry.

Client's Request

WeatherNation, one of the largest TV channels in the US dedicated to weather news, required a solution to broaden its audience reach through both Connected TV (CTV) and mobile platforms. The client needed robust applications for Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Android TV, Roku TV, and VIZIO to enhance the viewing experience. Additionally, they needed mobile apps for iOS and Android to provide real-time weather updates to users on the go.

Here’s What We Did

We implemented CTV applications for WeatherNation using a variety of technologies, ensuring seamless functionality across multiple platforms like Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Android TV, Roku TV, and VIZIO. Each platform had its unique technical requirements, and we addressed them by leveraging technologies such as Node.js, React.js, and BrightScript, among others. Simultaneously, we developed mobile applications for iOS and Android, using Swift and Kotlin to optimize performance and provide a smooth user experience. A key part of the project was ensuring scalability and reliability using AWS infrastructure and integrating Rest API and GraphQL for data fetching and efficient app performance.

Here’s the Result

The development of both CTV and mobile apps significantly enhanced WeatherNation’s ability to deliver real-time weather updates to a broader audience. The applications performed seamlessly across all platforms, contributing to improved user engagement and offering WeatherNation’s content in a reliable, user-friendly manner. The scalable architecture also prepared the company for future growth and increasing demand for weather services on various devices.

Who worked on it:

  • Project Manager;

  • Senior Full-stack developer;

  • Middle Full-Stack developer;

  • Team Lead;

  • VIZIO Developer;

  • iOS Developer (x2);

  • Android Mobile Developer (x2);

  • Roku Developer (x2);

  • Android TV and Amazon Fire TV Developers;

  • Middle Manual QA;



Time to release

1 year

Billable hours

4,000 hr

Internet connection broken

Internet connection restored